Russia tagged posts

Excellency, dear Mr. President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad, dear people of Syria!
Please rest assured, that there are forces and many people in Germany ready to change direction of policies completely, to establish irrevocable friendship between our peoples and fruitful co-operation to the mutual benefit.
Return of all Syrian refugees back home to Syria, in security, well-being and dignity, is part of our effort to support reconstruction in Syria.
Please accept our deep-felt apology for the terrible crimes committed against our dear Syrian people during the last more than six years.
Please accept our best wishes and regards,
yours sincerely,
Christoph R. Hörstel
Federal Chairman German Center
The Federal Chairman of the new political force in Germany: German Center in this solidarity video messa...

Preliminary Note
This roadmap draft is to be implemented in case Russia and Ukraine cannot find a solution in bilateral talks.
In any conflict or discord the first steps toward a solution tend to appear the most difficult. This solution proposal envisages six steps. Should bilateral talks between Russia and Ukraine prove unable to ensure peace and stability in the region, a second round of talks in Geneva („Geneva II“) may be instated. In this case the following road map may prove helpful.
Step 1
Russia, EU, USA and the Kiev interim regime agree soon to set at shortest possible notice a date for a second round of Geneva talks on the matter, „Geneva II“. The parties agree:
–Â Â Â Â Â Â All decisions taken in these talks are to be completed with detailed description of steps, dates, controls ...