Hamas Dpty. Foreign Affairs Minister Ghazi Hamad and German politician Christoph Hörstel, Federal Chairman of New Center party, have concluded their fruitful meeting in Turkey’s Istanbul last (Thursday) night.
Both sides agreed, that Hörstel is to meet the top Hamas leadership in the very near future.
It was further agreed, that Hamas is to discuss internally to extend the declaration of security and equality for all Jews under a possible future Palestinian government, which is being currently under consultation.
The additional text as proposed may contain the following statement:
„Whosoever has committed crimes against humanity, such as multiple murders, torture etc., should leave Palestine – we will join hands with all Palestinians and not try to take them to justice. Whosoever has been arrested in Palestine after the Palestinian government took office, will be transferred to UN jurisdiction in The Hague for all those crimes committed in the times before Palestinians acceded to governmental responsibility. Crimes committed after Palestinian government takeover will be prosecuted according to Palestinian law in Palestine – and all Jews will enjoy equal rights and fair treatment.“
The two politicians also discussed peaceful ways and means to break the murderous siege of the Gaza enclave, including financial procedures. Both sides expressed high satisfaction with the path of commune talks and further steps, expressing careful optimism.
End November this year both had agreed, that Hamas is to internally consult on the following guarantee to all Jews under future Palestinian jurisdiction: “When the fate of all of Palestine is entrusted to our hands, we will join hands with all other Palestinians and uphold the law, guarantee our full and undivided most serious commitment for safety and full equal rights of all Jews under our jurisdiction.”
Hörstel’s part was agreed be to help organize worldwide support for the immediate lifting of the murderous Gaza siege.
Hamad stated, that revengefulness was not part of Islam; Hörstel reiterated, that asking expressions of clemency and declarations of just and fair treatment from the victims of murderous oppression towards their oppressors was only seemingly perverse – but in fact the beginning of an overwhelming victory and a strong foundation for full liberation of all of Palestine, including all Palestinians, wherever they are.
Before anybody jumps to hasty conclusions: A victory of Muslims over Jews, or of Palestinians over Zionists is not on the agenda. What the world needs and hopes for, is a victory of clemency, of fairness, of justice, of honest rule of truly anti-mafia law over murderous oppression: that the oppressed may know, that no life sacrificed, no cry of pain uttered, no tears shed are suffered in vain.
Proposed Change in Hamas Manifesto: About Hamas
Original: http://hamas.ps/en/page/2/