Our communication to all concerned organizations and individuals on freedom and well-being of all people in Palestine:
The freedom struggle of the Palestinian people and our work for peace, justice and good community in Palestine has reached a new level.
The Hamas leadership is pondering a safety guarantee for all Jews under a future Palestinian government, deriving from a “one man – one vote” referendum in Palestine.
The first steps to this end werde developed in my May 15, 2015, meeting with the Hamas spokesman for foreign affairs, Mr. Usama bin Hamdan, on the occasion of the regional Valdai Club conference in Marrakesh, Morocco. In the course of our extended conversation I had requested a signal of understanding and commitment from the Hamas leadership and bin Hamdan gave me that after checking back with his leadership – verbally. Since then I have reiterated in my many statements, that any suspicion against the constructive intentions of Hamas were unfounded – under reference to this meeting. In 2017, the Hamas leadership changed – and by various reasons it took me until November 8 this year, when I spoke on record with HE Dr. Ghazi Hamad, Dpty. Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hamas government:
to start the next move: obtain a written guarantee declaration from the present Hamas leadership under the tough but honest and basically moderate Mr. Ismail Haniya, of whom I got a personal impression, albeit very briefly, in summer 2009, during a Gaza trip of 30 hours as a participating guest of the “Viva Palestina” organization, led by the brave and able Scottish MP George Galloway.
Over the last weekend I received word from my party’s contacts in the Gaza strip, that Hamas had approached them for a wording proposal aiming at the mentioned guarantee. I forwarded that to Dr. Hamad last Monday, November 19, 2018 as such:
“When the fate of all of Palestine is entrusted to our hands, we will join hands with all other Palestinians and uphold the law, guarantee our full and undivided most serious commitment for safety and full equal rights of all Jews under our jurisdiction.”
Since then Dr. Hamad and I are planning to meet personally and, at a later stage, involve the Hamas leadership, including prime minister Mr. Ismail Haniya.
While Dr. Hamad works on his Hamas movement, I am to raise support from all involved organizations, Jews, human rights activists, BDS etc., in order to help ease and speed up the immediate lifting of the illegal Gaza siege. The Gaza strip functions today as a concentration camp, which is unacceptable and a shame on all inactive bystanders. Furthermore, we seek to end the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan heights.
This letter is intended as an initial step to discuss and eventually organize further commune steps – please feel cordially invited to contact us and me personally any time. Please accept my gratefulness for your time as well as any effort, your organization may contribute to our commune goals.
For your esteemed further information I include a short overview over some of my connected background and past activities.
Christoph Hörstel, Federal Chairman NEW CENTER (Neue Mitte)
Background information:
As a journalist for various German and international media, Christoph Hörstel has taken part in and supported the Mujahideen struggle to end the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. In 2007 he raised support from the Taliban and the Afghan government in Kabul for a three-step peace plan, which subsequently lacked support by NATO. The plan is currently being revived in a two-step version. Hörstel enjoys some Jewish ancestry, leading to the necessity for his grandfather on the paternal side to steal and forge an Aryan Proof for his wife, Christoph Hörstel’s grandmother, under Nazi rule.
In November 2017, Christoph Hörstel re-founded the political party „NEW CENTER„, which he had inaugurated for the first time in May 2013, and abandoned three months later, August 2013, due to membership inadequacies, which led to the demise of the party soon after. NEW CENTER’s main goal was and is introduction of basic ethical rules into politics – including an end to the present financial and economic system based on interests, private money creation („fiat money“) and overwhelming global power of huge corporate networks.
NEW CENTER’s and Christoph Hörstel’s goal in Palestine is a one-state solution based on a fair and free democratic vote including all Palestinians under full rights to return. The result is being expected as an undivided Palestinian rule over all of Palestine. Steps towards this solution, as the two-state solution, are very welcome. In any case, all Jews have the right to dignity, well-being and harm-free, oppression-free life in Palestine – all those rights, which the Zionists are not granting the Palestinian people today.